Press release from the issuing company
Embrace Building Wraps turns heads with huge sustainable installation at The Sandhurst Block regeneration scheme
CMYUK, Shrewsbury – By using PVC-free Kavalan Sunlight Weldable material from CMYUK instead of traditional PVC banner for a giant outdoor art installation in Sandhurst, Embrace Building Wraps has made a number of eco savings.
These include 10,944 litres of water, the equivalent of providing enough drinking water for ten people in one year; 492 kg of CO2, and 1Kg of fine particulates. Other savings include 192.8 kg of oil equivalents, and 52.2 kg of Human Carcinogenic Toxicity, which equates to the total amount of carcinogens in 1.3million cigarette packs.
The savings were calculated by CMYUK – the exclusive distributor of PVC-free Kavalan in the UK – using an eco-calculator devised by TAYA, the manufacturer of Kavalan.
“This is a useful tool. Clients really want to track their environmental footprint and the savings they can evidence are part and parcel of the way they buy print these days. Brands have environmental targets that they must reach; CMYUK has worked hard to put sustainability, traceability and circularity at the heart of its materials portfolio,” said Damien Clarke, Sales Director (Materials) CMYUK.
Kavalan Sunlight Weldable
PVC-free Kavalan Sunlight Weldable was used to create two of the UK’s largest digitally printed PVC-free building wraps. Measuring a whopping 400m2 each, they are installed at The Sandhouse Block, the former main battalion building in Sandhurst. This site is pivotal to a four-year regeneration plan of the town centre that will include a drive-in cinema, shopping, health, creative workspaces and leisure centre,
A further 10 x 18 m2 and 2 x 12m2 Kavalan PVC-free printed wraps can also be found in the central zone of this huge site that also includes printed window bays and ACM cladding.
The installation was designed by architect and designer Shiraaz Ali, chosen from an Open Call to dress the façade. The Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company (WBRC) – a joint venture between Taylor Wimpey and Dorchester Regeneration is responsible for the project.
Embrace Building Wraps planned and installed the project as well as being responsible for the output of all digital printing carried out using EFI VUTEk printer technology.
This art installation will be live for three years plus, while the regeneration of the area is taking place. Once the job is completed all the Kavalan building wraps will be recycled.
PVC-free Kavalan has impacted heavily on the outdoor display market with a growing volume of brands specifying a PVC-free solution. Greg Foster, MD Embrace Building Wraps says, “Kavalan does what it says on the tin. It fits nicely in our environmental policy, holds up well on the projects we have used it on and the lads find it lighter to lift up onto the scaffold. By offering and using Kavalan, it helped us to secure the work.”
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